Is there a 40-year-old man's crisis?

Is there a 40-year-old man's crisis?
Is there a 40-year-old man's crisis?

Are men going through a crisis at the age of 40 or can it appear at 20, 30, 67 or 71 years? . If the man goes through a divorce at 37, 3 months and 4 days, then the crisis may be related to divorce and is not related to age. So if she remains unemployed or finds her wife wrong, At first they spoke of the crisis at the age of 40, then they thought and said that in fact the crisis appeared from 5 to 5 years, starting with 35 years. All crises are related to dramatic situations for the individual, such as the dear one's dear, the illness or the suffering of a close, his own illness, divorce, deception, mistress, unemployment, personal exams, It is extremely important what it has achieved until the crisis, but also its supporting elements. If he has family, colleagues or friends almost, if he can afford an eccentric gift or a holiday, he can disconnect him from the source of the crisis. Well, from a psychological perspective, we can only talk about the individual's desire to attract attention.

If he succeeds in sensitizing someone with his crisis, he may come to believe more and more in it. That is the only way to really get sick when the affective response of those closest to him confirms his status as a victim. If the others do not pay attention to him or hijack him, if he falls in love with another person or if he is advanced in his career, the crisis will disappear as if by charm, If you have a partner, a friend, a lover, a colleague who complains of a crisis of any age, it would be best to send it to a specialist. It is best so, and the results can be absolutely spectacular. How can the crisis be overcome in the opinion of the specialist: The cause of the crisis.

As I said, the 40-year crisis is a legend. Behind her there can be a whole number of problems that have brought us to the blame. These problems can be related to the relationship of couple, career and service, lack of friends or toxic friends etc. Once the case has been identified, we must take the necessary action accordingly. Our health problems or our loved ones.

It can restore our health. If the disease is serious and your chances are small it is good to call a specialist, Animosis in the couple relationship. If you do not have a partner, you need to know why this happens. If you have a relationship and feel that you do not feel understood, love, appreciate, go to a psychologist. Family therapy can do miracles.

Very often, the home family can be a real toxic factor and this problem needs to be addressed. Poisonous, addictive, immature friends, too intrusive, may once again be a source of family quarrels. And relations with them must be regulated, Problems with the child. If you think it does not do the right thing, it does not grow in the right direction, has inappropriate friends, or does not learn how much you should, call a psychologist. Career barriers.

You can re-calibrate your career strategy and get where you are going, if the plan is well thought out. Moreover, you can understand that the dreams of youth have no connection with their own qualities, which is why you have not achieved what you have proposed. In this case, he thinks of a strategy related to the development of the abilities or knowledge necessary to achieve the proposed goal, friends. If they are toxic, if they invade your life or if they lie or use you for personal reasons or if they are totally missing out of your life, it is a problem to be solved. Overcoming the trauma.

If you have discovered the cause, trauma can be overcome. That is the only way you can overcome the problem with everything it has produced, without hiding behind anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or panic attacks. No matter how black your life may seem at any given time, there is a solution to any problem. All you have to do is see who the specialist can do for you. The erosion of trying to go alone over a crisis can cost you enormously and can leave large sequelae over a long period of time.


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